
Virtual: Streams March 4 – 17. Plays with HOLY CLOSET

Award-winning portrait of two former Orthodox Jews in New York, Chaim and Lieba, on their unique journeys to become openly queer. Chaim, from the Chabad Lubavitch community in Crown Heights, starts his by reading the anti-homosexuality verse for his bar mitzvah and ends it by defeating the conversion therapy group JONAH in court, proving it a fraud. Lieba embarks by converting to Jewish Orthodoxy and moving to New York to study at Yeshiva University but ends up falling in love with a woman and coming out. Their stories are contrasted with interviews and scenes from their prior Orthodox communities. 

Director Bio: View on IMDB 

Miki Katoni is an independent documentary filmmaker based out of Los Angeles. After graduating from the UC Berkeley School of Journalism, he worked at Politico and Wondros doing producing, motion designing, and editing. 

Sponsors: Andrew Cohen and James Packman

Community Partner: Congregation Tikvah Chadashah 
